Ricoh Photocopiers: Advanced Features and Reliability

Upgrade Your Business with Advanced Ricoh Photocopiers at Flat Rate Copiers

On comparing your conventional photo copy machine with an advanced technology Ricoh photocopier, you would find that you are working with an age old technology that requires much labor, power, maintenance and raw material.
A quick comparison between the two machines is sufficient to highlight the inability of conventional machine in handling the work pressure. On the contrary, it slows down the process. It takes much time in copying documents and it wastes much paper and toner in copying. The paper and toner wasted is an unnecessary burden on your profit.
Advanced technology copiers are expensive and banks and branded companies have strict terms and conditions for financing and leasing latest office equipment. Since small and medium businesses are unable to meet the requirements of banks and retailers, they are forced to work with outdated equipment.
At Flat Rate Copiers, advanced Ricoh photocopier companies costs nothing. How would you like to own this copy machine? We have easy terms and conditions that you can meet in a hassle free manner.
We are number one photocopy machine company and we offer best and branded machines on sale, lease and rent. Finance options are also available for buyers with limited budget. We have the machine that could meet your needs.
Buy a commercial Ricoh photocopier on easy payment or lease one for your needs. Choose the option that best suits to your needs and leave everything on us. You would get the best service that includes after hour service and on-site service.

Affordable Copier Repair Services: Expert Technicians

Copier repair technician

Searching for a reliable copier repair technician can be a overwhelming task in South Florida. If you’ve noticed there are not too many of these guys around. Today, we’ll take a look at what are the important things to look for when your copier needs parts or repair.

Can I fix this myself?

Copier repair can soon become bewildering and unless you have experience with computers and other electronics going beyond the plastic paneling is risky. There are literally thousands of moving parts in today’s photocopiers. There have even been some engineers that suggest on paper these should NOT actually work at the efficiency that they do. Well, thank goodness they were wrong and we don’t have to sweat the details. Copiers are not design for the DIY (do it yourself) repair.

How to avoid the call to begin with, Common jams, issues and copier parts
Let’s take a look at why you’re in this undesirable position to begin with. Most copier issues (and I mean 90%) are a simple matter of understanding where the jam originates in the paper path. The paper path is from the paper drawer to the exit on to the paper tray. So, it’s always good practice to start at the beginning. The drawer starts elevating the paper (once closed) to a rubber pickup roller. This roller not unlike a tire on a car wears out over time.

For example it may pick up the first two pages, but fail to pick up the rest, thus halting the entire production. Once the copier detects there’s an issue paper deep in the path are left for your to manually remove them. So, ask yourself “Where in the paper path dose this originate?”. Having the answer may save you time and money. It may only be a $5 roller.


Selecting a copier repair company and or technician

Typically we don’t scrutinize our technicians as we would for a reliable auto mechanic when it’s our own car that needs repair. However, I challenge you to consider doing this. There are several levels of technicians, color specialist, and Black/White only techs. Digging further you’ll learn that brand, model, and year will also be key factors when contracting a technician. An example is a tech only certified on late model Black copiers billing you $95 /hr to examine your color machine. The tech is willing to take the call and you’re willing to take the risk. The tech is crossing his fingers that it’s a simple matter of cleaning or removing a jam, however if it’s a color specific issue he may learn on the job. (You pay for this education, plus copier parts) This isn’t meant to scare you, rather create an awareness of who you pay for service.

Be sure to ask about our service contracts and the benefits to having peace of mind.

Miami/Ft. Lauderdale Copier Rentals: Care & Maintenance Tips





Do You Care for Your Copier like You do Your Car?

Maybe you’re one of those people who runs your car without a break, a tune up or an oil change. Maybe a quick stop to refill gas and an occasional freebie car wash are all you think your car needs. That will work great for you for a year or two. A brand new car doesn’t need much preventative or ongoing maintenance. But after that initial “new car” smell wears off, so will the ability of the car to run endlessly without care. It’s then that your lack of preventative care will finally catch up with you. And not only will your mistake be hard on your wallet, it’s likely to cost you a lot of time in the shop as well.

What do Cars and Copiers have in Common?

making copies with a copierJust like your car, a copier needs regular maintenance to keep it running smoothly and effectively. And unfortunately, much like a car, many people don’t bother with routine maintenance and simple repairs until their copier unexpectedly gives out on them. While most people refill their toner regularly to keep clear print coming, that’s like simply piling up the gas in the car. Over time a car needs more than gas. It needs oil changes, new brake pads, and tire rotations. And that’s all just to ensure that nothing goes wrong. Once there is a broken piece or an accident, often due to poor maintenance, much more work may be required. The same is true for copiers. And at that point, not only will you end up with a significant repair bill, more importantly you may have to endure multiple days of business without this integral office work horse. Copiers, like cars, are there for you, easily overlooked and overworked. Overlooked, that is, until the moment when they break down, rendering an entire office effectively crippled.

So what kind of Maintenance and Repairs do Copiers Need?

Just like you need gas to keep your car running, you will also need toner to keep your copier printing off pages. Keeping a toner full is no big deal with a copier, the lack of ink on the printed page soon informs us when the toner is low.

A second, less well known “consumables” cost is the developer. Developer is the name for magnetic powder that is used to fuse with the toner to create great quality printing. While most of us know to replace our toner cartridges when the ink quality starts looking bad, far fewer realize that developer eventually needs replacing as well. That’s likely a situation when we’ll be calling on an expensive technician to come in and “service” your copier.

But it’s when you get into the “parts” category that your headache can really turn into a migraine, and your repair bills and the downtime for your copier can get much higher than you anticipated. As we all know, just understanding how to use a copier can be a major effort. Trying to figure out what’s wrong with an injured copier is a job for professionals, and their labor costs, along with the parts costs, can very quickly add up.

How Much are Labor Costs for Copier Repairs?

Unfortunately for copier owners, labor costs for copiers are significant. The average rate for a customer repair call is between $90 and $150, here in Miami /Ft. Lauderdale, FL. That adds up quickly especially considering the number of small things that can go wrong with these essential components of the business office.

What about Repairs and Maintenance if you lease a Copier?

Ah. We thought you’d never ask. One of the most significant benefits of leasing a copier in Miami rather than buying one is the repair and maintenance value. Under a copier lease with a reputable company, everything maintenance and repair-related is already covered in the lease agreement (double check your fine print just to be sure.) This means that whether you are experiencing a paper jam due to the new office administrator loading the wrong size paper, or your copier is giving you some kind of strange code that only it understands, a technician can be consulted by phone and can even show up on sight for free, if necessary.

This means NO figuring out when to change your toner and NO valuable labor hours lost wrestling with that beast of a copier that keeps your business running. Your copier leasing company can even advise you on best placement for your copier to prevent the common problem of overheating. And since you’re leasing, you don’t have to worry about which copier uses the least ink and has the lowest life-cycle cost, since toner replacement is already covered under your lease agreement. That means quite a few less headaches for your business, and for you.

Why Should I Lease a Copier rather than Buy One?

Well, I thought I’d already convinced you to lease with all my reminders about the headaches copier repairs and maintenance are likely to cause you. But if that’s not enough to sell you on a copier lease, keep the big picture in mind. When you buy a copier, you make a huge financial investment up front, taking a wad of money from your current savings from profits. Meanwhile, a new copier loses value the minute you “drive it off the lot”. Add to that the financial hassle of unpredictable repair and maintenance bills to worry about. Then keep in mind the time and energy that one of your staff is going to need to troubleshoot any problems that arise, and your cost for your brand new copier just went up significantly. After a short period of easy use and a typically much longer period of struggles with a big unwieldy machine, you will be left with a dinosaur of a copier that is now worth very little and may not even work. You may even have to pay to get rid of it!

So Should I Lease a Copier?

Please, please, please, reread the above if you are STILL asking this question! The bottom line is, leasing a copier means a predictable monthly cost and predictably available free service and repairs. That means less labor lost, less time wasted and far, far fewer headaches.

It’s just that simple.

Comprehensive Guide to Renting and Leasing Copiers





Whether you are a smaller, developing business or an already established one, multifunction copiers play an important role in many businesses.  So should you buy a copier, or rent or lease one?  Which option will save you the most money while best meeting your business needs?  And what about the fine print?  The more you learn about how renting and leasing of copiers works, the more you will be able to make an educated and intelligent decision about which option is best for you.


How does renting a copier work?

Renting a copier can be a huge money saver for a small business, as the cost of a good copier will be a big capital expense. By renting a copier, you allow the rental company to take the hit on their bottom line, while you benefit from a high speed multifunction copier.

How does leasing a copier work?  How is it different than renting?

Copier leases ( or “copy hire” as it is referred to outside the U.S.) are longer term than rentals: usually one, two or three year lease agreements.   Before leasing you should be sure you have the monthly cash flow to support payments, as lease agreements are very difficult to break.  If you do have the necessary cash flow, leasing can be a significant cost savings as the fees are lower than renting. Leases are also less expensive than buying and the payments are spread out over time making it easier on your bottom line. Make sure that when you are comparing costs, you multiply the monthly lease fee times the number of months the fee will be charged.  This will give you the total cost for your copier lease.

What are the advantages to leasing or renting a copier rather than buying one?

Among other advantages already listed here, keep in mind the tax advantages to leasing a copier.  Talk to your tax advisor about your business tax costs.  Copier leasing companies often make sure to price their leases below the interest cost of a loan for the same copier.  This can be advantageous to you, allowing you to get a better copier for the same amount of money.

Another tax advantage is that leases are set up to be immediately deductible expenses, while a purchase of a copier requires you to make a big capital outlay and then slowly depreciate your asset. Leasing or renting also allows you to enjoy the best part of the life cycle of your copier without worrying about selling it or repairing it when it becomes broken or outdated.

What should I watch out for when renting or leasing a copier?

Always read the fine print of the rental or lease contract to make sure the maintenance agreement and the rent/lease agreement are for the same length of time. Otherwise you may be stuck paying for maintenance after your rental or leasing agreement has expired.

Also, be aware that many multifunction copiers now use digital technology that allows them to store memory of your documents in a hard drive.  This can be a very useful function but may be an issue in terms of client confidentiality depending on your business type.  If you return a rented or leased copier with confidential documents still stored on it, it may be a liability for your business.

How do I find a copier for lease or rent in my area?  How do I know what model to look for?

If you have decided you are ready to rent or lease a copier, look for a reputable rental/lease business for copiers, in your area.  Some sites will allow you to type a location (such as Miami, Florida) into their search engine and will then help you to compare rental and lease prices by company.  Once you have found one or more businesses you want to work with, ask them to show you a variety of models that may work for you.

As you look at copiers, remember to keep in mind what functions you might need for your particular business.  Most copiers are multifunction allowing you to print, scan and copy.   Most are also digital rather than analog, meaning that the copier saves it’s own copy of all images  into it’s memory.  This useful function can allow you to keep copies of contracts or other important papers just by copying them. You should also be sure the print function that your copier uses is a laser printer rather than an inkjet.  Laser printers have significantly lower life-cycle cost because they are higher capacity (meaning that you do not have to add paper or ink as often).  Also laser toner is significantly cheaper than ink, about fourteen cents lower per page.

Find a great copier businesses in your area, compare models and monthly costs, talk to your tax advisor if needed, and pick out a high speed multifunction copier that works for you and your business.  A copier can be a serious investment but it is one that is well worth the cost if you choose wisely.



Wifi Printer : Wireless All in One Printers

Finding the right wifi printer can be a daunting task especially when most new copiers come with standard wireless all in one printing features. In order to decide which wifi  printer is right for you there are certain determining factors you must pay attention to. Printing technology, cost, print resolution, and wireless features are just a few factors to keep in mind when looking for your next printer.

Things to consider when choosing a wifi printer:

  • Wireless all in one printing technology: Since most new desktop and stand alone printers now come with wifi printing as a standard feature it can become difficult to determine which features are truly important and which are not. The first thing you should look at when buying a wifi printer is which wireless technology it uses. Some technologies include Bluetooth or a wireless internet connection that connects your devices to your printer.  Traditionally you will find that manufacturers like Ricoh offer great desktop as well as stand alone wifi al in one printers including scanner, fax, and multiple paper format trays.
  • Printing speed: the speed of your wifi printer is important and can be measured in ppm (pages per minute.) Knowing a wifi printers speed is key especially if you have a high printing volume. Speeds usually vary between black/white and color prints and when choosing the right wireless all in one printer a printing speed of over 20 ppm for color should be sufficient.
  • Print Resolution: another important factor to consider when purchasing a wifi printer is print resolution. Whether your printing photos or office documents your wifi printer needs to have great resolution and this can be measured in dpi’s (dots per inches.) High quality images usually have a minimal dpi of 1200×2400. If the majority of your printing will be high resolution graphics then its important to find a  wifi printer with a higher resolution.

Important wifi all in one printer features:

  • Touchscreen display
  • Extra ink cartridges or drums
  • Large paper loading docs
  • USB cable for initial setup